OptoScope S3C-1
The S3C-1 is a Solid State Streak Camera (S3C). Similar to tube based streak cameras the S3C-1 captures temporal changes of light intensity along a line. Intensity values are sampled at up to 2 GSamples/sec and saved. The photosensitive line is 65 µm wide and composed of 200 individual elements along its 5 mm length. Each element consist of a sensitive photodiode and an amplifier.
A new and particular feature of the S3C-1 is the continuous recording. It enables to capture events without having information when they occur in advance. This „Post-Triggering“ simplifies or even allows to use the camera for particular applicatins.
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Detonation Front Curvature
Propagation of chemical reaction inside an explosive agent can be measured by capturing of optical radiation emission. Using an axial configuration, the detonation front curvature can be observed. Detonation process typically starts with large temporal jitter. Propagation of the process is short compared to this jitter and therefore triggering of the observation is difficult. Post triggering of the S3C-1 in combination with an optical detection of the explosion allows to overcome this difficulty.
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