//hier war das Sitetag


As a member of the CoaXPress Consortium, we collaborate actively in improving interfaces and on developing the technology and defining new standards.

The VDMA (Verband des Deutschen Maschinen- und Anlagenbaus – Mechanical Engineering Industry Association) brings together large areas of industry using image processing and, accordingly, Optronis products. As a VDMA member, we are constantly in close contact with a sector which is rich in innovation, and we work actively on know-how transfer in both directions.

The European Machine Vision Association is a Europe-wide network promoting and bringing together the further development and use of Machine Vision technology. Amongst other things, the association oversees the development of standards to make the technology more comparable, including for the user. As a member, Optronis benefits from knowledge transfer, and is already comprehensively implementing EVMA standards in its products.