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Optronis: Progress badged with ISO9001 quality



Identifying and meeting customer requirements, increased employee engagement and high product quality are established features of how we work at Optronis – something now also recognised, since 2016, under the new ISO9001 standard (ISO9001-2015). Successful certification and the first repeat audit, passed in 2017, demonstrate that Optronis lives these principles through continuous improvements in the process structure and implementation in marketing and customer support.

There is an increasing focus on product requirements, in terms of product features and product quality – aspects that Optronis has firmly anchored in its corporate objectives right from its establishment, and that it is now underpinning and consolidating with ISO9001 certification. The Quality Management (QM) manual provides information about the company’s philosophy. It describes the management system specified by Optronis. Application of this system is aimed at ensuring that all organisational, commercial and technical activities with impacts on quality are planned, managed and monitored, thereby satisfying the contractually agreed requirements. In order that the quality of all services accordingly meets customer requirements, Optronis undertakes its activities in line with the descriptions in this QM manual and with the process descriptions, work instructions and testing instructions.

This new process structure also influences our corporate culture: identifying and satisfying needs and expectations, from customers through to employees, is not just our highest priority, but also an established objective in ISO9001. It means that the company fully embraces this responsibility, and emphasises this through ISO9001. Optronis sees high responsibility for the product, along with responsibility towards the customer, as the basis for long-term business relations. Changes are already apparent on the redesigned Optronis website, online since April 2017: the focus is on the product and the product features. At the same time, there is a similar focus on customer requests and services.

11. July 2017